Tuesday, January 13, 2009

it is hard to write on bread

i am currently blow drying a loaf of bread. and spray adhesive-ing a bag of potato chips to a piece of cardboard.

i think i'm starting to lose my mind, seeing as i spend about 10 trillion hours by myself everyday. i've recently taken an interest in testing the United States Postal Service to see just what i can get sent through the mail. While at RISD i managed to get a plastic rat, yarn sandwiched between a 5" x5" piece of clear plastic tape, and a roll of toilet paper, just to name a few.

above would be pictured what the lucky recipients will be receiving, but blogger is being a bitch.

you would be seeing: a half loaf of bread, with the exposed inside part painted white with gesso (where the blow dryer comes in) and on the white is written "IT IS HARD TO WRITE ON BREAD".

the potato chip bag is flattened and says "I EXPECT THIS TO BE DISPLAYED PROMINENTLY IN YOUR HOME OR OFFICE."

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