Tuesday, March 17, 2009

lunch break

over the past few weeks i've had some strange run ins and overheard some bizarre convos in the soho area. last week i witnessed two perfect strangers argue in duane reade about who cut who in line, keep in mind these people were in at least their late 50's, early 60's. the result was that the man accused had not actually cut in line, and then took his story to the streets, telling his side to whoever would listen outside of duane reade.

Today was a particularly bizarre day. First, i passed two women standing outside of Michael Kors, and the only thing I heard of their convo was "...giving them blow jobs and fucking all their other girlfriends." second convo i passed was a woman who appeared to be 11 months pregnant and her husband/boyfriend/sperm donor observing a woman struggling to carry a baby carriage up a flight of stairs. the pregnant woman gestured to the struggling woman and commented "see, this is what i'm not so sure about"......yeah, you better get sure about it...b/c when you're hauling your post pregnancy fat ass up a flight of stairs with a baby carriage, people are just gonna watch you struggle too....

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